Thursday, October 18, 2007

Marie Curie Fun Facts

- Won the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery o fthe elements radium and polonium

- Marie was born November 7, 1867 and died July, 4, 1934 at the age of 66

- She was the first twice honored Nobel laureate (and stilll the only one in tow different science)

-In 1903 she and her husband each won one fourth of the prize for physics in recognition of their joint research on the radiation phenomena "spontaneous radiation" discovered by Professor Henri Bacqueral

- Was the first woment to teach at the Sorbinne institute in France

-Her husband died after being overly exposed to radiation when her was run over by a horse drawn carriage

- Marie was one of five children

For a time she worked as a governess to help pay for her sisters medical education

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